• Doctor
  • GP practice

The Oval Practice

281 Oxlow Lane, Dagenham, RM10 7YU (020) 8592 0606

Provided and run by:
Dr Mohammed Ehsan

Important: This service was previously registered at a different address - see old profile

Report from 16 January 2024 assessment


  • Overall


  • Safe


  • Effective


  • Caring

    Not rated

  • Responsive

    Not rated

  • Well-led


Our view of the service

The Oval Practice is a NHS GP practice which provides primary care services to patients from one location in Dagenham. It is registered with the Care Quality Commission under the Health and Social Care Act 2008 to provide the following regulated activities: diagnostic and screening procedures, family planning, midwifery and maternity services, surgical procedures, and treatment of disease, disorder, or injury. We conducted a focused assessment between 22 February and 28 February 2024. We requested evidence from the practice, carried out remote interviews with staff and remote searches of the practices’ clinical system. The assessment also included a site visit. The assessment included looking at 5 quality statements (learning culture, medicine optimization, assessing needs, equity in experiences and outcomes, governance, management, and sustainability) from 4 key questions which included safe, effective, responsive and well-led. We found the practice reviewed incidents and complaints and appropriately investigated and recorded actions taken. Medicines management reflected current and relevant best practice and professional guidance. However we did identify that one patient had been given incorrect advice, when we raised this with the practice, they sent us an action plan detailing steps they would now take, for example discussing in a clinical meeting and giving the staff member additional training . We saw patient’s medicines were appropriately prescribed in line with the relevant legislation, current national guidance, or best available evidence. Patient’s needs were assessed using a range of assessment tools to ensure their needs were reflected and understood. Patients received care, and treatment that was evidence-based and in line with good practice standards. There were effective approaches to monitor patient’s care and treatment and their outcomes. Patients could access services when they needed to, without physical or digital barriers.

People's experience of this service

We did not receive a lot of patient feedback, we asked the practice to share details of CQC Give Feedback on Care process on the practice website, however at the time of the inspection the practice did not have a website, they explained they shared the details via social media platforms. We received 2 negative comments from patients via Give Feedback on Care forms. The practice reviewed feedback from the national patient survey. We also reviewed data provided by the practice and from external sources which showed patients were able to access care, support, and treatment in a timely manner and in a way that met their needs or preferences. The practice also reviewed Friends and Family feedback, any complaints were used to improve practice and procedures. There was an active Patient Participation Group who told us the practice had listened to feedback.