Updated 30 July 2024
We carried out this on-site announced assessment on 30 July to 2 August 2024. We conducted this assessment due to ongoing enforcement action by CQC against the provider due to repeated breaches of regulations. Improvement was noted during this inspection, however at another location, the provider was found to not be completely compliant with The Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014. In light of this, the provider agreed for further conditions to be added to their registration across both locations including The Willow. We assessed eleven quality statements across the Safe and Well-led key questions in relation to the previously identified breaches. This was a targeted visit to assess breaches that were identified at the previous inspection. The overall rating of Requires Improvement, as published from previous inspections, still applies to The Willow and has not changed. There were no children at the location during our assessment and no regulated activities being provided. The service had met the regulations across some of the areas that had been breaches previously. Staff had access to an improved training offer by the provider, and we heard plans for developing the service. Some areas we identified had improved since the previous inspection on 21 August 2023, but with ongoing improvements still to be made. Some of the policies and procedures were not reflective of current legislation and guidance. We have asked the provider for an action plan in response to the concerns found during this assessment, as required by the conditions currently applied to providers registration.