Updated 7 October 2024
We carried out our assessment: 14 October 2024 to 11 November 2024. At our last inspection on 4 April 2023 the service was rated as requires improvement, at this assessment we found improvements had been made and the rating of the service has changed to good. We assessed the service against “Right support, right care, right culture” guidance to make judgements about whether the provider guaranteed people with a learning disability and autistic people respect, equality, choices, dignity, independence and good access to local communities that most people take for granted. Right support: People were involved in assessments of their needs. People were proactively supported to meet their own aims, ambitions and interests. Risks were assessed to help keep people safe. People were given information in an accessible way to support choice and decision-making. Right care: Care was person-centred and staff protected people’s dignity and treated people kindly and with respect. Staff told us they were valued and supported in their roles, through supervisions and team meetings. This helped them meet people’s needs. Right culture: Improvements were being made in the systems for oversight and governance, as part of the continuous development of the service. There was a positive and open culture. Leaders worked well in partnership with other professionals to deliver good outcomes.