• Care Home
  • Care home

Strathfield Gardens

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

20 Strathfield Gardens, Barking, Essex, IG11 9UL (020) 3828 8999

Provided and run by:
Lodge Group Care UK Limited

All Inspections

During an assessment under our new approach

Strathfield Gardens is a care home providing accommodation and support with personal care to adults with learning disabilities or autistic spectrum disorder. The service can support a maximum of 7 people and 5 people were using the service at the time of inspection. We carried out our on-site assessment on the 19 April 2024 and our assessment activity started on 10 April 2024 and ended on 25 April 2024. We looked at 7 quality statements; Safeguarding; Involving people to manage risks; Safe and effective staffing; Assessing needs; Consent to care and treatment; Independence, choice and control and Equity in experiences and outcomes. Systems were in place to safeguard people from the risk of abuse. People were supported to take risks, but steps had been taken to mitigate those risks. There were enough staff to meet people’s needs, and robust staff recruitment processes were in place. People were able to consent to their care as much as possible, and where they lacked the capacity to consent, decisions about their care were made in line with good practice and legislation. People’s needs were assessed before they stated using the service and there was an on-going assessment process to help the service meet people’s needs as they changed over time. People were supported to be independent and to make choices over their daily lives.

31 January 2018

During a routine inspection

This inspection took place on 31 January 2018 and was announced. At our last inspection in March 2015, we found the provider was meeting the regulations we inspected and the service was rated “Good”. At this inspection, we found that the service continued to be rated “Good”.

Strathfield Gardens is a ‘care home’. People in care homes receive accommodation and nursing or personal care as single package under one contractual agreement. CQC regulates both the premises and the care provided, and both were looked at during this inspection. The service provides personal care and accommodation for seven people with learning disabilities. At the time of our visit, five people were using the service.

There was a registered manager in place. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are 'registered persons'. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.

People using the service told us they felt safe using the service. Staff had received training to protect people from the risk of abuse. There was appropriate guidance for staff on how to manage risks to people and to keep them safe.

There were enough staff on duty to meet the needs of the people. The provider had an effective recruitment procedure to ensure that employees were of good character and had the qualifications, skills and experience to support vulnerable people.

There were systems in place to manage people's medicines so that they received them when they needed.

People were happy with the care they received. Staff knew people well and understood their needs. They respected people's privacy and dignity and their interactions with people were sensitive and respectful.

Staff received training appropriate to their role so people could be confident they were cared for safely. They understood the requirements of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA).

People and their relatives knew how to make a complaint if they were unhappy about the support they received. The registered manager had regular contact with people and their representatives and welcomed suggestions on how they could develop the service and make improvements.

People were supported to receive the healthcare that they needed. They were given opportunities to express their choices and to make decisions in their daily lives. People were supported in promoting their independence.

Care plans covered all aspects of people's individual needs. They were reviewed to reflect people's ongoing and changing needs so people received the care they needed. People were supported to eat and drink sufficient amounts of nutritionally well-balanced food and drink that met their needs.

The registered manager operated an open door policy, whereby staff, people and their relatives could speak to them about any concerns at any time. Quality assurance surveys were sent out which invited people and their relatives to make comments about the service.

18 & 19 March 2015

During a routine inspection

We inspected Strathfield Gardens on 18 and 19 March 2015. This was an announced inspection. The service was given 24 hours’ notice because we needed to be sure that someone would be in.

Strathfield Gardens is a care home providing personal care and support for people with learning disabilities. The home is registered for seven people. At the time of the inspection they were providing personal care and support to four people.

There was a registered manager at the service at the time of our inspection. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.

We spoke with all the people who used the service and three relatives and they told us they felt safe and were happy with the care and support provided. We found that systems were in place to help ensure people were safe. For example, staff had a good understanding of what constituted abuse and the abuse reporting procedures. People’s finances were managed and audited regularly by staff. People were given their prescribed medicines safely.

Staff received regular one to one supervision and undertook regular training. People had access to health care professionals and the home sought to promote people’s health. People were supported to make their own decisions where they had capacity. Where people lacked capacity proper procedures were followed in line with the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards. Arrangements were in place and people were provided with a choice of healthy food and drink ensuring their nutritional needs were met.

We found people were cared for by sufficient numbers of suitably qualified, skilled and experienced staff. Robust recruitment and selection procedures were in place and appropriate checks had been undertaken before staff began work.

People’s needs were assessed and care and support was planned and delivered in line with their individual care needs. The support plans contained a good level of information setting out exactly how each person should be supported to ensure their needs were met. Care and support was tailored to meet people’s individual needs and staff knew people well. The support plans included risk assessments. Staff had good relationships with the people living at the home and the atmosphere was happy and relaxed.

We observed interactions between staff and people living in the home and staff were kind and respectful to people when supporting them. Staff knew how to respect people’s privacy and dignity. People were supported to attend meetings where they could express their views about the service.

We found that people were supported to access the local community and wider society. This included education opportunities. People using the service pursued their own individual activities and interests, with the support of staff if required.

There was a clear management structure in the home. People who lived at the home, relatives and staff felt comfortable about sharing their views and talking to the manager if they had any concerns. The registered manager demonstrated a good understanding of their role and responsibilities, and staff told us the manager was always supportive. There were systems in place to routinely monitor the safety and quality of the service provided.

18 February 2014

During a routine inspection

People said they enjoyed living at Strathfield Gardens. They were supported in promoting their independence and community involvement. A person told us "I usually go to college but I have been on a good trip today to the science museum."

People's support was delivered in a way that ensured their safety and welfare. Their individual needs had been assessed and their assistance was planned effectively. For example, staff supported them to see their GP when they were unwell.

A person's social worker said "I find the staff very professional. They know people well and work effectively with them to achieve their goals." We found that staff received training and support to carry out their work effectively. This meant people received assistance of an appropriate standard.

The provider had an effective system to regularly assess and monitor the quality of the service. When issues for improvement were identified effective changes had been made. For example, medication administration procedures had been improved to ensure people received their medicines safely.