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Archived: Hulcott Nursing Home
Report from 17 January 2024 assessment
Our view of the service
Hulcott Nursing Home provides nursing and personal care to older people and people living with dementia. At the time of our site visit there were 27 people living in the service. We conducted a responsive assessment on 2 February 2024 to follow up on previous concerns. At the last inspection we identified breaches of regulations in relation to fire safety, infection prevention and control and governance of the service. We found improvements had been made. People told us they were content living in the service, and this was verified by their relatives. Systems were in place to ensure the safety of the building and equipment. However the provider did not always promptly address, identified areas of improvement. There was no registered manager in place at the service. The regional support manager was fulfilling this role temporarily. The governance of the service had improved, people, staff and visitors spoke constructively about the skills and knowledge of the manager. There were noticeable improvements in fire safety, records showed how staff had improved when practicing fire drills and a significant improvement in their skills and knowledge.
People's experience of this service
People were unanimous in reporting that they, or their relatives, felt they were safe living in Hulcott Nursing Home. People confirmed that all staff respected their dignity and privacy and they would be confident to raise issues if ever they had concerns. There were no reports from people that they had ever experienced or witnessed the mistreatment of others living in the service. People were also satisfied and happy with the care and support they received at the service, they spoke of a general satisfaction with their rooms, the food and drink options and the overall facilities available to them at Hulcott. The service employed a dedicated activities member of staff. People told us they enjoyed the activities on offer in the service. The relatives we spoke with were all of the view that staffing levels were good, sufficient, and consistent. People told us there were less staff in the evenings, but it did not impact them negatively. Many people praised the standard of caring and noted that many of the care staff were comparatively long serving and showed dedication. People's and relatives’ comments included “The staff here are brilliant”, "Dad has dementia but the (Home Manager) was fantastic, this place is just outstanding, and we have found no faults at all, the staff are all very friendly and loving and understanding in their care, they all go above and beyond.”