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  • Homecare service

Archived: Care In Comfort Ltd

67 Main Street, Greetham, Oakham, Leicestershire, LE15 7NJ (01572) 813900

Provided and run by:
Care In Comfort Ltd

All Inspections

30 September 2013

During a routine inspection

We carried out a themed inspection looking at domiciliary care services. We spoke with management and care workers at the time of our visit to the office.

We spoke with two people who received a service from this agency over the telephone. Everyone spoke positively about their care workers and felt that they fully supported their care needs. Without exception, people said that all their care workers spoke with them in a in a calm and respectful way. We also spoke with a relative who told us that they were very happy with the service.

One of the people who used the service said "I am very happy and we work together." Another person said "They always support me including taking me to church when I wish to go."

People told us that they felt safe, and if they had concerns they would speak with a family member, friend or somebody from the office.

Most of the people we spoke with told us that their care was personalised to their needs. People's preferred names were used . In most cases, people were happy that their care workers adapted very well when changes were made to care.

The people confirmed they had been involved in discussing and reviewing their care with a manager from the agency.

We found Comfort in Care Ltd to be compliant in all the regulations we inspected against.