• Doctor
  • GP practice

Archived: FMC Health Solutions Ltd (Park View Surgery)

60 Queen Street, Normanton, West Yorkshire, WF6 2BU (01924) 893277

Provided and run by:
FMC Health Solutions Limited

Important: This service was previously registered at a different address - see old profile

Inspection summaries and ratings at previous address

On this page

Background to this inspection

Updated 28 October 2019

FMC Health Solutions Limited operates as Park View Surgery and is registered with Care Quality Commission to provide primary care services, including; family planning, surgical procedures, maternity and midwifery, treatment of disease, disorder or injury and diagnostic and screening procedures.

FMC Health Solutions Limited provides GP services for around 2,450 patients living in the Normanton area of Wakefield. The service operates from Park View Surgery and is located at 60 Queen Street, Normanton, West Yorkshire, WF6 2BU. It shares this location with another practice Queen Street Surgery. FMC Health Solutions Limited works closely with this practice and another overarching parent provider, Health Care First Partnership. This working includes the sharing of practice lists, adherence to common policies, processes and practices, governance oversight, and joint operational staffing at all delivery sites. Officers from FMC Health Solutions Limited are also partners of Health Care First Partnership.

The practice moved to its current location in June 2017.

The practice has an Alternative Provider Medical Services (APMS) contract. This is the contract between general practices and NHS commissioners for delivering services to the local community. The practice is part of NHS Wakefield Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).

The practice building is accessible for those with a physical disability or mobility issues. In addition, the practice has on-site parking available for patients, with designated spaces for disabled patients who require them.

The practice catchment area is classed as being within one of the fourth most deprived areas in England (with the most deprived areas ranked as one and the least deprived ranked as ten). The age profile of the practice is slightly younger than other GP practices in the NHS Wakefield CCG. Life expectancy for practice patients is 78 years for males and 81.5 years for females compared to 78 years for males and 81.8 years for females for the CCG, and 79.2 years for males and 83.2 years for females across England.

Through working with the overarching support of Health Care First Partnership the practice team consists of doctors, advanced nurse practitioners, practice nurses, health care assistants and pharmacists. The clinical team is supported by an extensive management, administration and reception team.

Allied with the practice is a team of community health professionals that includes health visitors, community matrons, midwives, members of the district nursing team and pharmacy professionals.

The practice offers:

  • Pre-bookable appointments
  • Urgent and on the day appointments
  • Telephone consultations
  • Online consultations
  • Home visits

The practice is open 8:00am to 6:00pm on Monday to Friday. Patients can also access appointments and services at Queen Street Surgery (which shares the same building), and at five other practices and branches associated with their partner organisation Health Care First Partnership.

In addition, patients from the practice can access appointments and services delivered in conjunction with their local confederation Conexus Healthcare Limited operating as GP Care Wakefield.

Out of hours care is provided by Local Care Direct Limited and is accessed via the surgery telephone number or by calling NHS 111.

The previously awarded ratings are displayed as required in the practice and on the practice website

Overall inspection


Updated 28 October 2019

We carried out an announced focused inspection at FMC Health Solutions Limited at Park View Surgery 18 September 2019. The practice was previously inspected by the Care Quality Commission on 15 September 2015, when it received a rating of Good overall, with a rating of outstanding for providing well led services and for the provision of services to people whose circumstances may make them vulnerable.

We decided to undertake an inspection of this service following our annual review of the information available to us, and due to the relocation of the service to a new premises. This inspection looked at the following key questions; are services safe, are services effective and are services well-led. At the time of inspection the practice was in the process of re-registering the new practice location with the Care Quality Commission.

We based our judgement on the quality of care at this service on a combination of:

  • what we found when we inspected
  • information from our ongoing monitoring of data about services
  • information from the provider, patients, the public and other organisations.

We have rated this practice as good overall and good for all population groups.

At the previous inspection on 15 September 2015 the practice was rated as outstanding for providing well led services. Following this inspection, we have rated the practice as good. This is because initiatives and practices that were previously regarded as innovative or unusual may no longer be so.

We found that:

  • The practice worked under an overarching, parent organisation Health Care First Partnership (partners from the practice were also partners of Health Care First Partnership). This gave patients from the practice access to additional appointments via a shared practice list, and these patients were also able to receive a wider range of services.
  • The practice had clear systems to manage risk so that safety incidents were less likely to happen. When incidents did happen, the practice learned from them and improved their processes. Learning from incidents was shared with others to prevent recurrence.
  • The practice closely monitored operational performance and, working with Health Care First Partnership, had developed dedicated performance and quality improvement processes. The service had, using guidance, produced their own service standards. It was though noted that some clinical audits lacked depth, and that a dedicated audit programme had not been specifically developed for the practice.
  • The practice routinely reviewed the effectiveness and appropriateness of the care it provided. It ensured that care and treatment was delivered according to evidence based guidelines.
  • There was a focus on continuous learning and improvement at all levels of the organisation.
  • Services had been developed to meet the specific needs of their population. For example, they operated a triage and patient call back service which was particularly beneficial to patients with acute conditions or those who experienced poor mental health.
  • The practice worked with others at a locality level to plan and develop services.
  • Staff told us they felt supported and valued by the leadership team at the practice.
  • Patients received structured reviews of their care and treatment and received advice and support to manage their symptoms.
  • We saw processes were in place to develop and support both clinical and non-clinical staff.

Whilst we found no breaches of regulations, the provider should:

  • Review and improve measures to give assurance that staff immunity status has been fully assessed in relation to MMR and Varicella.
  • Review and improve the frequency of fire alarm checks.
  • Review processes to ensure decisions in relation to not stocking emergency medicines were supported by suitable and sufficient risk assessments.
  • Review practice performance with regard to the prescribing of Hypnotics.
  • Review and seek to improve cervical, breast and bowel cancer screening patient take-up.
  • Review clinical audit processes to ensure audits were of sufficient depth and that subject areas were re-audited to track improvement.

Details of our findings and the evidence supporting our ratings are set out in the evidence table.

Dr Rosie Benneyworth BM BS MDedSci MRCGP

Chief Inspector of Primary Medical Services and Integrated Care