Updated 14 December 2018
College Road Surgery is based in the Maybury area of Woking and offers general medical services to people living and working in Woking. The surgery is housed in a converted residential property. The practice is part of the Glenlyn Medical Centre which consists of three practices in total. College Road Surgery is a small practice and at the time of our inspection there were approximately 3,200 patients on the practice list.
The practice has two long term locum GPs and one nurse practitioner. They are supported by a practice nurse, a health care assistant, reception and administration staff and a practice manager. The practice is also supported by the management and clinical teams from Glenlyn Medical Centre.
The practice is open between 8am and 6.30pm Monday to Friday. Extended hours appointments are offered by the practice between 6.30pm and 7.30pm on a Tuesday and Wednesday evening. The practice is part of a federation of GP practices that offer evening appointments until 9pm and weekend appointments 9am until 12pm. These appointments are run from locations in Walton-on-Thames, Ashford, Sunbury-on-Thames and Woking.
Patients requiring a GP outside of the normal surgery hours are advised to call NHS 111 where they will be directed to the most appropriate out of hours service.
The practice holds a Personal Medical Services (PMS) contract and offers enhanced services, for example various immunisation schemes.
The service is provided at the following location;
College Road Surgery, 4-6 College Road, Woking, Surrey, GU22 8BT
The practice population has higher number than average of patients from five to 14 years. The practice has a lower number than average of patients over 65 years. The practice area is more deprived than others in the locality; people living in more deprived areas tend to have a greater need for health services. The practice population has a high proportion of Asian and Eastern European patients.
For information about the practice please see the practice website:
The practice is registered with CQC to provide the following regulated activities; Diagnostic and screening procedures, Treatment of disease, disorder or injury, Family planning services, Maternity and midwifery and Surgical procedures.