Updated 10 May 2024
Alban Manor is a residential care home providing nursing and personal care for up to 80 older people, some of whom are living with dementia. At the time of this assessment, there were 56 people using the service. At our last inspection, we identified breaches in relation to good governance and told the provider they needed to improve safe care and staff training. During this assessment we assessed the quality statements under the key questions of safe, and well-led to check the provider had followed their action plan to make improvements. We visited the service on 15 October 2024, received feedback from 16 people or their relatives, spoke with five staff members and 3 visiting professionals and ended the assessment when we met with the management team on 23 October 2024. The provider had made the required improvements and was no longer in breach of regulation. The overall rating has changed from requires improvement (published 17 September 20218 February 2023) to good. The management of the service and provider had created a culture where people and their relatives were listened to, care was safely delivered, and oversight systems audited the safety of the service. This enabled the management team to make continuous improvements. People and relatives spoke very positively about the care provided. Risks to people had been assessed and care plans were in place to help mitigate risks as far as possible. Care records reflected people's care needs. Accidents and incidents were investigated, action taken, and lessons learned. There were sufficient trained staff who worked with other professionals to ensure people's needs were met in a safe and person-centred way. Governance systems had been overhauled and were now more robust to monitor the quality of care provided.