• Dentist
  • Dentist

Beech Lane Dental Care Limited

35 Beech Lane, Earley, Reading, Berkshire, RG6 5PT (0118) 987 2755

Provided and run by:
Beech Lane Dental Care Limited

Important: The provider of this service changed. See old profile

All Inspections

18 June 2014

During an inspection looking at part of the service

When we visited Beech Lane Dental Care Limited in December 2013 we found that the practice was not following all the current relevant guidance to reduce the risk of infection to patients. For example, the cleaning of the surgery and some of the processes for decontamination of dental instruments did not follow the guidance.

We carried out this visit to review the actions the practice had taken to address the issues we found at our last visit. We did not speak with patients during this visit because it was not appropriate to do so.

We observed staff carrying out infection control processes and found that the practice had made significant progress to meet current guidance and reduce the risk of cross infection.

We also looked at records relating to the management of the practice. These showed us that the practice had reviewed the infection control processes and documented action they had taken to make improvements. For example, there was a record of staff attending training in control of cross infection.

12 December 2013

During a routine inspection

During our visit to Beech Lane Dental Practice we met with the registered manager and the practice manager. We spoke with three patients and looked at five patient's records. We spoke with two members of staff.

All of the patients we spoke with were very happy with the dental treatment they received. One patient told us 'I trust their professional advice'. Another patient said 'I don't feel pressured at all and could back out at any time. We discussed the other options [for treatment]'. We looked at patient records which confirmed the treatment patients said they had received.

The practice had appropriate procedures and policies in place relating to infection control. However, we observed that staff did not always follow the procedures. Therefore the risk of cross infection had not been minimised.

Staff told us they were supported to carry out their roles. We saw that staff received training specific to their job and that the majority of staff had received an annual review of their performance.

The practice had systems in place to seek and act on patient feedback and carried out audits to monitor clinical quality.