This practice is rated as good overall.
The key questions are rated as:
Are services safe? – Good
Are services effective? – Good
Are services caring? – Good
Are services responsive? – Good
Are services well-led? - Good
We carried out an announced comprehensive inspection at Kingston Health (Hull) on 13 June 2018 as part of our inspection programme.
At this inspection we found:
- The practice had clear systems to manage risk so that safety incidents were less likely to happen. When incidents did happen, the practice learned from them, and improved their processes.
- The practice had systems in place to minimise risks to patient safety.
- The practice had good facilities and was well equipped to treat patients and meet their needs.
- The practice had thoroughly reviewed the effectiveness and appropriateness of the care it provided. They ensured that care and treatment was delivered according to evidence- based guidelines and best practice.
- Staff involved and treated patients with compassion, kindness, dignity and respect.
- The practice organised and delivered services to take account of individual and cultural patient needs.
- There was a clear leadership structure and staff felt supported by management. The practice proactively sought feedback from staff and patients, which it acted on.
- Information about services and how to complain was available. Improvements were made to improve the quality of care as a result of complaints and concerns.
- There was a strong focus on improvement at all levels of the organisation.
The areas where the provider should make improvements are:
- Improve the system for the monitoring of cleaning schedules and maintenance checks.
- Implement in-depth clinical outcome based audits to improve to patient care.
- Although patient feedback is being sort in other ways the practice should explore ways of introducing and implementing a patient participation group (PPG) to drive improvement.
- Improve the arrangements for alerting other services that could be in the building in respect of signage of the storage of gas cylinders.
- Review and improve the system that identifies patients who are also carers to help ensure that all patients on the practice list who are carers are offered relevant support if appropriate.
Professor Steve Field CBE FRCP FFPH FRCGP
Chief Inspector of General Practice