We found that there were suitable systems in place to gain consent from people who use the service. Care and treatment was assessed, planned and delivered in order to meet people's needs. This was fully documented and reviewed and patients were fully informed and involved in their care or treatment. We spoke to one patient and saw completed surveys from others which all demonstrated they were satisfied with the service. One comment made was: 'Staff were helpful and professional, I did not have to wait long to be seen and I am happy with the outcome.'We saw a safeguarding policy and a local operational procedure which detailed the process the staff should follow when a safeguarding concern was raised.
The provider had systems in place in order to minimise the risk of infection to patients, staff and visitors to the clinic. Audits were undertaken regularly to monitor infection prevention and control. Cleaning schedules were delivered effectively and staff were aware of their responsibilities with respect to infection prevention and control.
Staff were inducted, trained, supervised and appraised appropriately and told us they were well supported by the manager and provider. However we found that the recruitment process and documentation was not robust as staff recruitment records were found to be incomplete on this inspection.