We spoke with six patients and two relatives who attended the surgery on the day of our inspection and six patients who represented the Patient Participation Group (PPG). Five of the patients were complimentary about the staff and GP services they provided. They told us they "could generally get an appointment when they needed it". One person said it was difficult to get an appointment with their own GP. Three of the six patients explained to us they were offered either a telephone call or an appointment with a GP if they needed it. One patient told us they had always been seen on the day if it was needed and had never been turned away. Two of the patients we spoke with were attending one of the practice's specialist's clinics with the practice nurse. Patients who used the GP practice received safe and appropriate care, treatment and support.The provider took adequate steps to ensure patients were protected against the risks of receiving care or treatment that was inappropriate or unsafe. The staff we spoke with showed knowledge and understanding of safeguarding and the process to follow if they discovered abuse. They knew how to recognise the signs of abuse and how they should report all cases of concern to the appropriate safeguarding team. Patients were protected from the risk of infection because appropriate guidance had been followed.
The provider had an effective system to regularly assess and monitor the quality of service that patients received The provider and practice manager were aware of the need to assure themselves that all new staff were recruited correctly.
In this report there was three regulated activities recorded when there are five for the service type. The provider was in the process of registering for the additional two regulated activities, surgical procedures and maternity and midwifery services, at the time of our inspection.