When we inspected the service in April 2013 we found the provider [owner] was not providing appropriate standards of training for the staff to ensure they had the skills, knowledge and expertise to support people in their own home. We also found at this inspection that systems and processes were not in place to make sure the agency was operating effectively and safely.The provider sent us an action report following the April 2013 inspection telling us the action they would take to make improvements in these standards. The action report specified when the improvements would be completed. We conducted an inspection in August 2013 to check up on the improvements the provider had made to make sure the agency was now compliant.
We found improvements had been made. Staff were receiving a programme of on-going training and support. They had access to a number of courses. For example, moving and handling, abuse, medicine management and food hygiene. Staff were enrolled on formal care courses, as part of their professional development. People were cared for by staff who were supported to deliver care safely and to an appropriate standard.
Systems were in place to make sure the agency was running effectively and safely. This included feedback from people who used the services of the agency and the staff. We saw evidence of the manager meeting with people and their relatives in their own home to make sure they were satisfied with the support received.