During a routine inspection
Letter from the Chief Inspector of General Practice
We carried out an announced comprehensive inspection at Cape Road Surgery on 5 July 2016. Overall the practice is rated as good.
Our key findings across all the areas we inspected were as follows:
The practice had a suitable system to report and record significant events.
- Procedures were in place for monitoring and managing risks to patient and staff safety.
The practice delivered care in line with relevant and current evidence based guidance and standards. Systems were in place to keep all clinical staff up to date with current guidelines.
Practice staff had the skills, knowledge and experience to deliver effective care and treatment.
- Staff were accommodating and courteous to patients, treating them with dignity and respect.
Material about services available was accessible in simple formats that could be easily understood.
Patient comment cards informed us that people were able to get appointments when they needed them.
The practice had a vision to maintain their patients’ health throughout their lives using traditional personalised care. There were values in place of openness, fairness, respect and accountability.
The leadership structure helped to ensure that staff were adequately supported by management. There were regular team meetings involving all staff which provided an opportunity to raise any issues. The partners and practice manager were open with staff and made time to deal with concerns.
Systems were in place to ensure the practice complied with the requirements of the duty of candour.
The areas where the provider should make improvement are:
Blank prescription forms should be monitored during use.
- Measures should be implemented to identify and record the collection of prescriptions for controlled drugs, and to record the destruction of prescriptions not collected.
- The provider should satisfy itself that staff follow nationally recognised guidance when undertaking chaperoning duties.
Professor Steve Field (CBE FRCP FFPH FRCGP)
Chief Inspector of General Practice