Pool Medical Centre provides a range of primary medical services for just over 6,000 patients from a modern purpose built surgery in Pool Road, Studley.
All the patients we spoke with were very complimentary about the service they received at the surgery. The chair of the patient participation group (PPG) believed that the group’s views were listened to and respected. The staff told us they felt valued, supported and motivated.
There were appropriate governance measures in place and we saw evidence of collaborative working between the practice and other health care providers.
The practice participated in a local scheme to help protect people vulnerable to hate crimes. The practice had its own initiative to reduce emergency hospital admissions for people with long term conditions.
We found that some medicines and equipment in the practice’s emergency response bag were out of date even though there was evidence of regular checks of the bag’s contents. This increased the risk that unsafe medicines or equipment could be used to treat patients in an emergency.
We also looked at how services were provided for specific groups within the population. These were, vulnerable older people (over 75), people with long-term conditions, mothers, babies, children and young people, working age population and those recently retired (aged up to 74), people in vulnerable circumstances who may have poor access to primary care, and people experiencing a mental health problem. We found that the practice had adequate arrangements to look after the needs of the patients in these groups.