16 January 2014
During a routine inspection
We found that the services were well co-ordinated and managed and we observed staff delivering high standards of care tailored to meet the needs of individuals. The staff were respectful, considerate and fully trained. Care plans were well structured and they were reviewed and updated at least every six months. We also heard about an effective 'on-call' arrangement to deal with emergencies and any issues arising outside of normal office hours.
The people we spoke with said that the care they received was 'spot on' and 'helpful'. One person said that the 'staff arrive on time and make me a cup of tea before cleaning the kitchen and mopping the floor'. We also spoke with relatives who said 'they have been very good under difficult circumstances. They have helped us to juggle with the changes and to swap our arrangements when we needed.'
We spoke with relatives who said that the services were 'very good' and the staff 'developed a good relationship with Dad'.