• Doctor
  • GP practice

Archived: Dr Mahipal Singh Verma Also known as Hartley Road Medical Centre

91 Hartley Road, Radford, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG7 3AQ (0115) 942 2622

Provided and run by:
Dr Mahipal Singh Verma

Important: The provider of this service changed. See new profile

All Inspections

10 September 2014

During an inspection looking at part of the service

Our previous inspections on 14 August 2013, 13 and 23 June 2014, found that Dr Mahipal Singh Verma was not meeting the standards relating to: care and welfare of people who use services; and assessing and monitoring the quality of service. We served warning notices on 18 July 2014 requiring the provider to meet the above standards by 01 September 2014.

Our inspection of 10 September 2014, found the provider had employed a project manager to lead on making the changes required; and to support the staff during the transition. Staff told us there was a lot more structure to how the practice was operated. People we spoke with were generally happy with the care and treatment they received from the surgery. We found early signs of improved systems and processes being developed and implemented to monitor the quality of service provision. However, care and treatment was not always planned and delivered in a way that ensured people's safety and welfare.

13, 23 June 2014

During an inspection looking at part of the service

At our previous inspection of this service in August 2013 we identified concerns that the provider had not always planned care and treatment in a way that ensured patients safety and welfare. Patients were not cared for, or supported by suitably skilled and experienced staff. The staff had not been supported to deliver care and treatment safely and to an appropriate standard.

At that inspection we also found the provider did not have an effective system to assess and monitor the quality of the service that patients received and comments and complaints patients made were not always responded to appropriately. We asked the provider to take action to address these areas of concern.

We carried out this inspection to confirm the provider had taken the necessary action to address the areas of concern. The inspection was carried out on 13 and 23 June 2014. We spoke with two practice managers, a GP who was the registered manager, two locum practice nurses, four receptionists and two healthcare professionals. We also spoke with three patients who were satisfied with the care they received at the practice. One patient we spoke with told us, 'I have known the GP for over 30 years, I am happy to travel across Nottingham as GP is so good but parking is a problem.'

On this inspection we found that the provider had taken some steps to carry out the required improvements since our last visit, however we found that they were still not meeting the required standards to ensure that patients' care and treatment was planned and delivered safely. The management of processes in place to adequately protect patients at the practice was still unsatisfactory and this included how staff were recruited, trained and supported, how complaints were managed and how systems were used to assess quality and reduce risks to patients.

14 August 2013

During a routine inspection

The Hartley Road surgery provides services to people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. With this in mind we were accompanied by a specialist advisor who was also multi-lingual. We met with five patients, five staff and a visiting NHS healthcare professional.

People told us they liked the surgery and received safe and effective care and treatment there. Most people spoke about the trusting and caring relationship they had with the staff at the surgery. One person said, 'Everyone's lovely. They're responsive to the needs of my baby and that means a lot.'

People were treated with respect and protected from the risk of abuse however, more could have been done to improve the management of processes at the surgery. This included how staff were recruited, trained and supported, how complaints were managed and how systems were used to assess quality and reduce risks to people who used the service. This would help to ensure that patients were adequately protected.

The provider and practice manager confirmed they were providing maternity and midwifery services because they saw women for early antenatal care, before referring them on to a midwife who then took the lead clinical role at the surgery. The provider was not registered to provide maternity and midwifery services and confirmed to us they would apply for this regulated activity to be included in their registration. We will follow this up to make sure this has happened.