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The Willows

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

117 Rothesay Terrace, Bedlington, Northumberland, NE22 5PX (01670) 336688

Provided and run by:
Anderson Nursing Limited

Important: The provider of this service changed. See old profile

Latest inspection summary

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Our current view of the service


Updated 16 February 2024

Date of assessment – 12 March – 17 April 2024. At the last inspection we rated responsive as requires improvement and made a recommendation around activities provision. This had improved however it was impacted by the deployment of staff which meant people’s needs were not always attended to in a timely manner. This was raised with the provider and registered manager who responded by improving staff deployment. They also acknowledged activities could be developed further. Staff were recruited safely and attended appropriate training. Staff said they felt well supported however the process for support and supervision needed to be formalised. Staff had a good understanding of people’s needs, including in relation to the management of risks and distressed behaviour. Where people were at particular risk of isolation and discrimination concerted efforts were made to integrate people into the local community. Feedback was sought from people, relatives, and staff. Residents and relatives’ meetings were held, surveys were completed, and newsletters provided updates on actions taken in response to feedback. People were supported with their health and care needs and the registered manager was committed to ensuing people received appropriate care and treatment when they needed it. They had built strong relationships with health and social care professionals, who were complimentary of their approach.

People's experience of the service

Updated 16 February 2024

People’s overall experience was positive. We observed staff to be respectful and caring and people told us they felt safe and had no concerns. Overall, people and relatives felt included in decision making and managing risks however this hadn’t always been documented. People appeared comfortable with the staff and said they thought there were enough staff however there was one comment about waiting a significant amount of time for staff support. The registered manager took action to improve the deployment of staff so they could be more responsive to people's needs. People said they were supported with decision making and maintaining their independence. One person said, “They encourage independence, I feel in charge.”