The Smithy Surgery offers a range of services for its patient population. This includes routine prebookable appointments with General Practitioners (GPs), practice nurses and the health care assistant. They also allocate emergency GP appointments on the day, undertake home visits when necessary and there is an out of hours service available and is provided by Go to Doc.
During our visit we spoke with General Practitioners (GPs), the Practice Manager, the Practice Nurse, administration staff and six patients. We also spoke with members of the patient participation group (PPG).
We spoke with six patients who were very complimentary about the service they received. We also reviewed the results of patient questionnaires which were very positive about the practice.
Clinical decisions followed best practice guidelines.
The leadership team are approachable and visible. There are appropriate governance and risk management measures in place.
The practice is registered with the Care Quality Commission to deliver care under the following regulated activities: Diagnostic and screening procedures, family planning, maternity and midwifery services, surgical procedures and treatment of disease and disorder.