Updated 9 October 2019
- The name of the registered provider is Mundesley Medical Centre.
- The address of the location is Munhaven Close, Mundesley, Norwich, Norfolk, NR11 8AR.
- There is a branch surgery in a nearby village of Bacton which is open alternate Wednesdays from 11.15am.
- The practice is registered to provide diagnostic and screening procedures, family planning, maternity and midwifery services, surgical procedures and treatment of disease, disorder or injury.
- Mundesley Medical Centre provides services to approximately 5,700 patients in a semi-rural area in north Norfolk.
- The practice has three GP partners (one female and two male). There is a management team including a practice manager, who is also a registered partner, an operations manager, a manager’s assistant, and a reception team leader. The practice employs three nurse practitioners, a practice nurse, a mental health nurse two healthcare assistants and a phlebotomist. Other staff includes a team of administration and reception staff, a dispensary manager, four dispensers and three cleaners.
- The practice holds a General Medical Services contract with NHS England. The practice is able to offer dispensing services to those patients on the practice list who live more than one mile (1.6km) from their nearest pharmacy. We visited the dispensary as part of this inspection.
- The practice is open between 8am and 6pm Monday and Friday. The practice is open 7.30am to 6pm Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Appointments can be booked in advance and the practice was part of a local scheme to offer appointments in the evening and on weekend mornings. Urgent appointments are available for people that need them. Online appointments are available to book in advance.
- When the practice is closed patients are automatically diverted to the GP out of hours service provided by Integrated Care 24. Patients can also access advice via the NHS 111 service.
- We reviewed the most recent data available to us from Public Health England which showed the practice has a smaller number of patients aged 0 to 49 years old compared with the national average. It has a larger number of patients aged 60 and over compared to the national average.
- Income deprivation affecting children is 17%, which is higher than the CCG average of 13% and lower than the national average of 20%. Income deprivation affecting older people is 13%, which is higher than the CCG average of 12% and lower than the national average of 20%. Life expectancy for patients at the practice is 80 years for males and 84 years for females; this is comparable to the England expectancy which is 80 years and 83 years.