We found that Imperial Medical practice was being well run. Patients had a say in the way the services were operated and there were regular checks and audits to ensure the treatment delivered was safe and in line with good practice. We found that patients were involved in making decisions around their care, based on clear information about the risks and benefits. Staff understood about safeguarding practices to keep patients safe from abusive or abusive practices.
We saw that people's care and treatment was monitored and supported well. Patients told us they had confidence in the staff and that they received good care and support. They also told us they did not find difficulties in arranging appointments when they needed them. Systems were in place to ensure that referrals to other services were dealt with promptly.
Staff told us they received the training and support they needed to carry out their job roles. We saw appraisals were under way to assess and manage staff performance and competency. One patient we spoke with told us 'Everyone is really professional, from the nurses and doctors to the receptionists. I have been coming here for years and they are always the same, no matter how much pressure they are under'.