Updated 14 March 2024
The Manor Surgery has two locations from which GP services are provided, The Manor Surgery and Kennington Health Centre. Both sites are purpose-built health facilities with ground floor access to all consulting and treatment rooms. There are 22 GPs working at the practice. In addition, the clinical team has a mixture of practice nurses, nurse practitioners, healthcare assistants and paramedic practitioners. GPs in training also work at the service. The clinical team are supported by a variety of administration and patient support staff. Over 25,000 patients were registered at the practice at the time of our assessment. We carried out this assessment of the equity in access quality statement in March 2024 as part of our work to understand how the practice was working to meet patient demand and to better understand the experiences of people who use services. We found patients experienced a high standard of access to services with a diversity of appointment types and diverse means of accessing services. There were support systems for people with additional or specific needs, such as disabled patients. There was a dedicated access to care system for patients with complex or specific care needs, supporting them to be cared for in a timely way within a community setting. The practice sought and used patient feedback, including ongoing liaison with the patient participation group to improve access to primary care. Both national GP survey results and feedback from patients to CQC demonstrated highly positive patient experience with timely care and support. The results of our findings have led us to rate the quality statement as Outstanding.