We inspected Tettenhall Medical Practice, on 1 December 2014 as part of a comprehensive inspection. There is a branch surgery which is known as Wood Road Health Centre, This inspection focused on the main site and we did not visit the branch.
We found that the practice to be good in, responsive, caring, and well-led. However, we found the practice required improvement to the deliver safe and effective care. We rated the practice overall as requiring improvement.
Our key findings were as follows:
- There were systems in place to ensure patients received a safe service. However, some systems were not robust as emergency medicines in GPs bags were out of date.
- The practice did not have effective procedures in place that ensured overall care and treatment was delivered in line with appropriate standards. Consent was not routinely sought for minor surgical procedures.
- Patients were treated with dignity and respect. Patients spoke very positively of their experiences and of the care and treatment provided by staff.
- The practice was responsive to the needs of the practice population. There were services aimed at specific patient groups including those with long term conditions.
- We found that the service was well led with policies and procedures in place to support the running of the practice.
Areas of practice where the provider needs to make improvements are:
The provider must:
- Arrangements must be in place to ensure that emergency medicines are available and in date.
In addition the practice should:
- The practice should ensure suitable arrangements are in place for obtaining, and acting in accordance with, the consent of people who use the service in relation to the care and treatment provided for them.
- Develop a protocol to record actions taken in response to medical alerts.
- Ensure staff are aware of the business continuity plan.
- Ensure prescription pads are always stored securely according to NHS Protect August 2013 Guidance.
- Ensure all staff are aware of the Mental Capacity Act (2005).
Professor Steve Field (CBE FRCP FFPH FRCGP)
Chief Inspector of General Practice