19 May 2015
During a routine inspection
Letter from the Chief Inspector of General Practice
We carried out an announced comprehensive inspection at Nene Valley Medical Practice on 19 May 2015. Overall the practice is rated as good.
We found the practice to be safe, effective, caring, responsive to people’s needs and well-led. The quality of care experienced by older people, by people with long term conditions and by families, children and young people was good. Working age people, those in vulnerable circumstances and people experiencing poor mental health also received good quality care.
Our key findings were as follows:
- The practice had a good understanding of the needs of the practice population and services were offered to meet these.
- Patients were satisfied with the service and felt they were treated with dignity, care and respect and involved in their care.
- There were systems in place to provide a safe, effective, caring and well run service. Practice staff were kind and caring and treated patients with dignity and respect.
- The practice was safe for both patients and staff. Robust procedures helped to identify risks and where improvements could be made.
- The clinical staff at the practice provided effective consultations, care and treatment in line with recommended guidance.
- Services provided met the needs of all population groups.
- The practice had strong visible leadership and staff were involved in the vision of providing high quality care and treatment.
However, there were also areas of practice where the provider needs to make improvements.
The provider should:
- Ensure staff have a clear understanding of the Mental Capacity Act and their role in implementing it.