Background to this inspection
28 June 2018
The Cape Cornwall Surgery provides primary medical services to people living in the town of St Just and the surrounding villages. The practice has a lower number of patients aged 18 to 64 years and a higher number of patients aged over 65 to 89 plus years than the practice average across England.
At the time of our inspection there were approximately 4,850 patients registered at the Cape Cornwall Surgery. There are two GP partners, one male and one female (currently on maternity leave). The practice is employing four regular locums, three GPs and a nurse practitioner to support the one partner. They are supported by two registered nurses, a healthcare assistant, a phlebotomist, a practice manager, deputy practice manager and additional administrative and reception staff. The practice is a training practice for qualified doctors undertaking training to become a GP.
Patients using the practice also have access to community staff including district nurses, health visitors, and midwives, chiropodists and counsellors.
The Practice also provides minor injury services for registered patients and temporary residents due to its rural isolated location.
The Cape Cornwall Surgery is open from 8am until 1pm then 2pm until 6:30pm Monday to Friday. Extended hours were available on one evening a week on alternate Tuesday and Thursday evenings between 6:30pm and 8pm. During evenings and weekends, when the practice is closed patients are directed to an Out of Hours service delivered by another provider.
The practice also has a dispensary which is open 8am until 1pm then 2pm until 6:30pm Monday to Friday.
This report relates to the regulatory activities being carried out at:
Cape Cornwall Surgery
Market Street
St Just-in-Pen with
TR19 7HX
28 June 2018
This practice is rated as Good overall. (Previous inspection in March 2015 and the practice was rated as – Good)
The key questions are rated as:
Are services safe? – Good
Are services effective? – Good
Are services caring? – Good
Are services responsive? – Good
Are services well-led? - Good
We carried out an announced inspection at Cape Cornwall Surgery on 9 May 2018 as part of our inspection programme.
At this inspection we found:
- The practice had clear systems to manage risk so that safety incidents were less likely to happen. When incidents did happen, the practice learned from them and improved their processes.
- The practice routinely reviewed the effectiveness and appropriateness of the care it provided. It ensured that care and treatment was delivered according to evidence- based guidelines.
- Staff involved and treated patients with compassion, kindness, dignity and respect.
- Patients found the appointment system easy to use and reported that they were able to access care when they needed it.
- Cape Cornwall Surgery had achieved consistently high percentages on all Quality and Outcomes Framework targets, achieving better than average in all areas with low exception recording, due to a team approach to patients with long term conditions.
- Patients commented positively on the care received by the practice.
- There was a strong focus on continuous learning and improvement at all levels of the organisation.
The areas where the provider should make improvements are:
- Review the systems in place to identify carers within the practice population to enable support to be offered where needed.
Professor Steve Field CBE FRCP FFPH FRCGP
Chief Inspector of General Practice.
Working age people (including those recently retired and students)
28 June 2018
People experiencing poor mental health (including people with dementia)
28 June 2018