Patients told us they were satisfied with the service provided at the practice. Comments made included:'It's excellent, all the staff are so lovely',
'Five star service'.
We found that there were suitable systems in place to gain consent from the patients. Staff who obtained consent were experienced and knowledgeable in their field of expertise and were able to describe the consent process. Staff were knowledgeable in safeguarding of vulnerable adults and children and had received appropriate training.
We found that patients care and treatment was assessed, planned and delivered in order to meet their needs. Care and treatment plans were fully documented and reviewed and patients were fully informed and involved in their care or treatment.
Staff were trained and supported appropriately however there was no formal monitoring of training and development and one to one or supervision sessions with staff were not documented or formalised. Staff told us they were well supported by the manager and provider.
The provider had systems in place for monitoring the quality of services. Patient satisfaction surveys and some audits were undertaken. There was a complaints policy and procedure, however formal analysis and review of complaints, and events was not carried out. A patient participation group functioned within the practice. Two members of the group that we spoke with gave positive feedback regarding the service and the relationship with the practice staff.