As part of our inspection we spoke with six people who used the service, three staff members, a doctor, who was also the registered manager and the practice manager. These are some of the comments people who use the service told us:"I'm eternally grateful to the Doctors because they have been there for me."
"It is a good practice."
'The service is generally good.'
'The practice does not always consult about changes to the service.'
We found the practice treated people as individuals and respected their choices and preferences. We saw the practice made information available for people so they could access services as they needed them.
Care and treatment was planned and delivered in a way that was intended to ensure people's safety and welfare. We saw that assessments and reviews of care had involved the person or their carer. This showed that the person or where appropriate their carer, were involved in how their treatment and care was planned.
All staff had received abuse awareness training and procedures were in place to respond appropriately to any allegation of abuse.
People had their comments and complaints listened to and, where appropriate, action had been taken.