Updated 16 May 2019
Mocha Parade Medical Practice provides primary medical services at The Surgery, 4-5 Mocha Parade, Salford, M7 1QE.
The practice is registered for the following regulated activities: Diagnostic and Screening, Maternity and Midwifery, and Treatment of Disease, Disorder or Injury.
The practice is a single-handed GP provider (male) who is supported by a practice nurse (female). The clinical staff are supported by an administration team made up of a practice manager and reception staff.
Mocha Parade Medical Practice provides care to over 2000 patients. The age population consists mostly of working age people.
The practice’s level of deprivation is rated one out of 10 on the Indices of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) decile (the lower the IDM, the more deprived an area is).
The practice is open from 8am to 6.30pm Monday to Friday with extended opening on a Tuesday until 8pm. Outside of normal opening hours, patients would be diverted to the NHS 111 service.
The website of the practice is www.mochaparademedicalpractice.co.uk