Updated 7 January 2019
Woodroyd Medical Practice, is located at Woodroyd Centre, Woodroyd Road, Bradford
West Yorkshire, BD5 8EL. The practice provides services for 9,844 patients under the terms of the General Medical Services contract. The practice buildings are accessible for those with a physical disability or mobility issues. In addition, the practice has on-site parking available for patients, with designated spaces for disabled patients who require them.
The practice population catchment area is classed as within the most deprived areas in England (rated as level one), with a rating of one being the most deprived and ten the least deprived. The age profile shows that the practice has a higher number of patients aged 18 years and under. This is 32% for the practice compared to 24% as a local average and 21% as a national average. Life expectancy of the practice population is lower than other GP practices in the NHS Bradford Districts Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and the national average.
The National General Practice Profile states that 47% of the practice population is from a South Asian background.
Woodroyd Medical Practice is registered with the Care Quality Commission to provide; diagnostic and screening procedures, family planning, maternity and midwifery services and the treatment of disease, disorder or injury
The practice offers a range of enhanced local services including those in relation to:
- childhood vaccination and immunisation
- travel vaccinations
- Influenza and Pneumococcal immunisation
- Diabetic care and anti-coagulation clinics
- Family planning including the fitting of coils and implants is offered to patients at the provider’s Kensington location.
As well as these enhanced services the practice also offers additional services such as those supporting long term conditions management including spirometry for lung conditions, ECG and blood pressure monitoring, advice and support for alcohol misuse, weight loss and social prescribing including help in accessing welfare benefits.
Allied with the practice is a team of community health professionals that includes health visitors, midwives and members of the district nursing team.
The practice is accredited as a training practice and supports GPs in training as well as medical undergraduates.
The clinical team consists of seven GP partners (five male, two female). The provider offers services across three separately registered locations in addition to Woodroyd, and the clinical team rotate across these sites. In addition to the GP partners there are five advanced nurse practitioners and three practice nurses. The provider also employs a prescribing pharmacist and two health care assistants. They are supported by a practice manager along with a team of administrative and management support staff.
The practice appointments include:
- Pre-bookable appointments
- Urgent and on the day appointments
- Telephone consultations
- Home visits
Appointments can be made in person, via telephone or online.
Practice opening times are:
Monday to Friday 8am to 6.30pm. Appointments are scheduled throughout the day. Routine appointments are also available through the extended hours scheme at a local hub; 6.30pm to 9.30pm Monday to Friday.
Out of hours care is provided by Local Care Direct, reached by dialling 111.
The previously awarded ratings are displayed as required in the practice and a CQC link was available on the practice’s website.