6 March 2014
During an inspection looking at part of the service
On our recent visit we found that the provider had made a number of improvements in this area. We saw that information about the complaints procedure was displayed in the waiting area. We found evidence that complaints, accidents, and significant events had been logged, investigated, and appropriate action taken.
We found that the provider had undertaken a number of risk assessments related to the safety of the premises. A number of repairs and other improvements had been carried out. There was a new cleaning contract which was monitored. A business continuity plan was in place.
We found that the provider had audited the staff files and that all staff had applied for Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks. There was also information about what training staff had received and what was planned.
We saw evidence that the Patient Participation Group (PPG) had been meeting regularly with a GP and practice manager attending. A PPG is a group set up to represent the views of patients and to raise concerns or suggestions about the service. The PPG had been involved in developing an action plan taking into account the results of a patient survey.