People told us that staff were 'kind' and respected their privacy. People's comments included 'the staff have been good. They take care of me' and 'I'm treated alright, with respect.'Staff we spoke with had a good understanding of the needs of the people they supported as well as any potential risks to their safety.
People told us they were happy with the way the staff organised their medical appointments and healthcare services such as doctors, opticians and chiropodists. One person commented 'every little thing you tell them and they go with you to the GP to make sure you're alright.'
People were not always being protected against the risks associated with medicines because the provider did not have appropriate arrangements in place to manage medicines.
Effective recruitment and selection processes were in place and appropriate checks were undertaken before staff began work.
Staff were positive about the training opportunities at the agency and told us about recent training they had undertaken and how this had benefited their work practices. However, systems of supervising and appraising staff at the service were not appropriate to enable them to deliver care to people safely and to an appropriate standard.
People who use the service told us they had no complaints but knew how to make a complaint if they needed to. They said they were confident that the registered manager would take any complaint seriously.