Mile Oak Medical Centre provides general medical services to 7,465 patients who live in and around the town of Portslade in East Sussex. Its opening hours are 8.30 am to 6.00pm Monday to Friday and also on a Thursday from 6pm to 8pm for patients who cannot attend during normal working hours.
We spoke with four patients on the day of our inspection and had feedback from 15 patients who had completed comment cards that CQC left in the waiting area before the inspection. All the feedback we received form patients was positive. The service was consistently described as caring, helpful and professional. All the patients we spoke with said they would recommend the practice to their family and friends.
We found that the practice had arrangements in place to ensure that the care it provided to patients was effective and safe. Clinical staff implemented best practice guidelines in delivering care and treatment and regularly participated in clinical audit and peer review. The practice had effective policies and procedures in place for safeguarding children and vulnerable adults, which meant that patients were protected from the risk of avoidable abuse and harm. However we found that the practice had not always undertaken appropriate recruitment checks for all staff.
The practice responded to patient feedback. There was a patient group and the practice actively sought comments and complaints from patients and implemented improvements as a result.
The staff we spoke with were all happy working at the practice. They said they received training and felt well supported in their roles. We saw that clinical and managerial leadership arrangements were clearly defined.
Mile Oak Medical Centre provides general medical services to 7,465 patients who live in and around the town of Portslade in East Sussex. Its opening hours are 8.30 am to 6.00pm Monday to Friday and also on a Thursday from 6pm to 8pm for patients who cannot attend during normal working hours.
We spoke with four patients on the day of our inspection and had feedback from 15 patients who had completed comment cards that CQC left in the waiting area before the inspection. All the feedback we received form patients was positive. The service was consistently described as caring, helpful and professional. All the patients we spoke with said they would recommend the practice to their family and friends.
We found that the practice had arrangements in place to ensure that the care it provided to patients was effective and safe. Clinical staff implemented best practice guidelines in delivering care and treatment and regularly participated in clinical audit and peer review. The practice had effective policies and procedures in place for safeguarding children and vulnerable adults, which meant that patients were protected from the risk of avoidable abuse and harm. However we found that the practice had not always undertaken appropriate recruitment checks for all staff.
The practice responded to patient feedback. There was a patient group and the practice actively sought comments and complaints from patients and implemented improvements as a result.
The staff we spoke with were all happy working at the practice. They said they received training and felt well supported in their roles. We saw that clinical and managerial leadership arrangements were clearly defined.
Mile Oak Medical Centre, Chalky Road, Portslade, Brighton, East Sussex, BN41 2WF