Updated 16 January 2019
Drs Williams, Lamb and Johal; known locally as Russell House Surgery is located in Codsall on the outskirts of Wolverhampton. The surgery has good transport links and there is a pharmacy located nearby. Codsall is a large village with approximately 8000 residents and the practice is part of the NHS South East Staffs and Seisdon Peninsular Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG). The practice provides services to 6,549 patients under the terms of a general medical services (GMS) contract. This is the most common form of contract between general practices and NHS England for delivering services to the local community.
The practice was established in the 1970s and moved into its current premises within the 1980s. The practice is currently negotiating a move to new premises and plan to have the move completed within the next two to three years. The current building is owned by the partners and consultation and treatment rooms are all on the ground floor.
The population distribution shows that the practice has a higher percentage of patients over the age of 65 (the practice has 29% of its patients over the age of 65 compared to the national average of 17% and CCG average of 20%). The area is one of low deprivation, low unemployment and the ethnicity is predominately White British.
There are three partners and a salaried GP; two female practice nurses, one health care support worker; with a practice manager, assistant practice manager and a team of 12 administrative and reception staff at the practice.
The provider is registered with CQC to deliver the Regulated Activities; diagnostic and screening procedures, family planning, maternity and midwifery services, surgical procedures and treatment of disease, disorder or injury.
The practice is open from 8am to 6.30 pm Monday to Friday, with the exception of a Wednesday when the practice closes at 1pm. The practice participates in the extended hours access scheme with other practices from the South-East Staffs and Seisdon Peninsular CCG. When the practice is closed, NHS 111 service is provided from Vocare and for emergencies patients are directed to call 999. The nearest hospital with an accident and emergency and walk in unit is the Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust.
Further information about the practice can be found on their website: www.russellhousesurgery.nhs.uk