Updated 21 March 2019
Valley View Surgery is located at Goffs Oak, Hertfordshire, EN7 5ET. The practice has a branch surgery located approximately one mile away from the main practice. Cuflley Village Surgery is located at Maynard Place, Cuffley, Hertfordshire, EN6 4JA. We visited the main practice and branch surgery as part of this inspection.
The provider is registered with CQC to deliver four Regulated Activities; diagnostic and screening procedures, maternity and midwifery services, family planning and treatment of disease, disorder or injury. Services are provided on a General Medical Services (GMS) contract (a nationally agreed contract) to approximately 12,963 patients.
Valley View Surgery is located within the Hertfordshire local authority and is one of 55 practices serving the NHS East and North Hertfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) area. The practice has one registered manager in place. (A registered manager is an individual registered with CQC to manage the regulated activities provided).
The practice team consists of two GP Partners; both of which are female. There are six salaried GPs; two male and four female. The nursing team consists of three practice nurses, one of which is an independent prescriber and one nurse practitioner. The practice has two clinical pharmacists, a practice manager, an assistant practice manager and a team of reception and administration staff members.
The age of the practice population served is comparable to local and national averages. The practice has a slightly higher than average number of patients aged 65 to 84 years old and a slightly lower than average number of patients aged zero to four years old. The practice population is predominantly white British and has a black and minority ethnic population of approximately 8% (2011 census). Information published by Public Health England, rates the level of deprivation within the practice population group as 10, on a scale of one to 10. Level one represents the highest levels of deprivation and level 10 the lowest.
The Out of Hours service is provided by Herts Urgent Care and can be accessed via the NHS 111 service. Information about this is available in the practice, on the practice website and on the practice telephone line.