Patients we spoke with provided positive feedback about the service they received at Marton Medical Practice. They told us the staff were considerate and helpful. Comments included, 'Been coming to this doctors for years even at the old surgery. They go out of their way to be helpful'. Another patient told us, 'Rang this morning with a problem and they got me in. That's a good service'.Patients who used this practice were provided with appropriate information and support regarding their care or treatment. One person told us "Dr C'.. referred me to a specialist. It was all explained to me and put my mind at rest'.
Patient's told us they thought they were listened to and respected when they saw their doctor or a nurse. Some comments from people using the service included "It's all very personal I always speak in private with doors shut'. A staff member told us, 'A chaperone and language interpretation service is available to patients. It is appreciated by patients'. Patients told us they felt reception staff were considerate and took time to listen to them. One patient told us, 'They have a hard job sometimes, but I always find them helpful'.
Staff received training in safeguarding procedures and were able to describe the possible indicators of abuse. Staff we spoke with told us they were confident they would be able to identify signs of abuse and follow recognised protocols to ensure patients were protected. One staff member told us, 'We do a lot of work with a number of agencies to make sure children and adults are protected'.
There were systems in place to reduce the risk and spread of infection. When we spoke with patients using the service some comments included "It's spotless and always like this'. Infection control procedures were in place, which staff were familiar with. This ensured there were preventative measures for the control of infection.