Updated 8 July 2016
he Centre Surgery is located in the centre of Hinckley in north west Leicestershire. The practice is housed in a health centre built in the 1970s and which it shares with a number of other services. There is a lift to the upper floor where the practice is situated and also a ramp from the car park where there are disabled parking bays. There is a hearing loop in the reception area.
The Practice has a General Medical Services (GMS) contract.
The practice has three full-time GP partners, one of whom is female.There are three practice nurses and a health care assistant who are all female. There are also administrative staff including a practice manager and reception team.
The practice is open between 8.00am and 6.30pm Monday to Friday. Appointments are generally available from 8.30am to 11.40am and from 3.00pm to 5.20pm Monday to Friday. Some of these are telephone appointments.
Out of hours services are provided by CNCS (Central Nottinghamshire Clinical Services). Patients are directed to the correct numbers if they phone the surgery when it is closed.
The practice has 5578 patients registered with it with a relatively high proportion of patients over 60.
Although Hinckley is a lively market town it does have some pockets of deprivation.