Cerne Abbas Surgery is situated in a rural village, seven miles from Dorchester at 51 Long Street, Cerne Abbas, Dorset. DT2 7JG. The practice is registered to provide the following regulated activities: diagnostic and screening services; treatment of disease disorder or injury; and maternity and midwifery services.
We spoke with six patients and reviewed seven comment cards that were sent to the practice prior to our inspection. We also spoke with GPs, reception staff, the practice manager and nurses who worked at the practice.
We found that the practice provided a safe, caring, effective, responsive and well led service.
Patients who used the practice considered that their health needs were met and they received an efficient and responsive service. They considered that their privacy and dignity were respected. Patients were involved in making decisions about their care and treatment.
The practice had suitable systems in place to identify and monitor risks to patients and took action to minimise risk of harm when needed.
GPs who worked at the practice used information from audits to learn and actions were taken to improve patient outcomes based on this information.
Staff were supported to carry out their role and were able to give their views on how the service was provided.