Updated 6 April 2018
The Westover Surgery is situated in Falmouth. The practice is comprised of two sites, The Westover Surgery and Wood Lane branch surgery.
The deprivation decile rating for this area is seven (with one being the most deprived and 10 being the least deprived). The practice provides a primary medical service to approximately 7,800 patients of a diverse age group. The 2011 census data showed that majority of the local population identified themselves as being White British.
There is a team of two GP partners, both male; the partners are supported by three salaried GPs two female and one male and a female retained GP. The whole time equivalent is 4.5. The GP team were supported by an administration manager, a reception manager, a nursing manager, two practice nurses, a pharmacist, two health care assistant, a physician’s assistant (phlebotomist), and additional administration staff.
Patients using the practice also have access to district nurses, community psychiatric nurses, health visitors, physiotherapists, mental health staff, counsellors, chiropodist and midwives. Other health care professionals visited the practice on a regular basis.
The practice is open from 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday. Appointments are offered between those times. Extended hours are offered at Wood Lane between 6.30pm and 8.30pm on a Monday, Tuesday or a Wednesday, depending on GP and nurse availability. Outside of these times patients are directed to contact the out of hour’s service and the NHS 111 number. This is in line with local contract arrangements.
The practice offers a range of appointment types including face to face same day appointments, telephone consultations and advance appointments (a week in advance) as well as online services such as repeat prescriptions, online appointment booking, patient record summaries.
The practice has a General Medical Services (GMS) contract with NHS England.
This report relates to the regulatory activities being carried out at the following two sites. We visited both sites during our inspection.
The Westover Surgery, Western Terrace, Falmouth, Cornwall TR11 4QJ and the branch surgery at Wood Lane, Woodlane Branch Surgery, Trelawney Road, Falmouth, Cornwall TR11 3GP.