Bridge Street Medical Practice offers a wide range of primary medical services from it's city centre location at 2 All Saints Passage, Cambridge.
Prior to our inspection we consulted with the local clinical commissioning group (CCG) and the NHS local area team about the practice. Neither of these organisations had any significant concerns.
We carried out an announced inspection on 27 August 2014. During the inspection we spoke with patients and carers that used the practice and met with members of the Patient Participation Group. The PPG is a group of patients who have volunteered to represent patients' views and concerns and are seen as an effective way for patients and GP surgeries to work together to improve services and to promote health and improved quality of care. We also reviewed comments cards that had been provided by CQC on which patients could record their views.
We found that the practice provided a safe, effective, caring, responsive and well led service. Patients we spoke with told us that they were treated with respect and their dignity was maintained.
We looked at patient care across the following population groups: older people; those with long term medical conditions; mothers, babies, children and young people; working age people and those recently retired; people in vulnerable circumstances who may have poor access to primary care and people experiencing poor mental health. We found that the practice had in place a wide range of systems and services to ensure that appropriate care was available to patients in these groups.
Readers should be aware that when referring to information throughout this report, this relates to the most recent information available to the CQC at that time.