7 June 2013
During a routine inspection
We saw quality assurance questionnaires used to gain feedback from people who used the service or their relatives.
We spoke with one person who received care and two relatives of other clients of the service and comments included:" I am always treated with respect, not like a child, the girls are lovely", "I have absolutely no complaints at all, the service has been a god send, I have had some bad experiences and I can tell you this service is excellent","They are in regular contact with me , I know exactly what's going on with my X".
During the visit we sampled three care files of people who used the service. We found these to be maintained to a high standard. Files were in a chronological order and it was easy to gain an understanding of the care provision being provided.
We were told by one person who used the service: "What I like (about the service) is that when they have done what they need to, they have time for a chat, that's what makes the difference".
Care staff had access to a comprehensive safeguarding adults policy and procedure. Information was also available on how to raise concerns in respect of child protection.
There were robust systems in place to effectively monitor the quality of the service provided. Quality assurance questionnaires were completed and responses were positive.