We spoke with five patients about their experiences and most of the patients identified positive experiences. One person said that 'The attitude (of reception staff) on the phone was lovely.' The appointment system caused some patients concern, one patient said 'I would like to be able to get an appointment more easily, and then them (the GP's) keep to time, sometimes they run 30 minutes late' and added 'The on-line booking is helpful for me.' Patients were generally positive about their experiences and told us reception staff were polite and helpful. One person stated (the doctor) 'Spoke to me like I was an idiot.' We ascertained the person was unhappy with his current treatment, and though as yet had not made a complaint, was in the process of doing so. We made the Registered Manager aware of the patients concerns and frustration.
Medicines and vaccines are stored and dispensed appropriately.
The provider had systems in place for monitoring the quality of service provision, the PPG are active and have developed a number of questionnaires which are distributed to patients on an annual basis.
We found one area for improvement was a risk assessments was required to reduce the potential of cross infection at the practice.