This was a follow up inspection to check the provider had taken the required actions to meet essential standards following our previous inspection in January 2014.During this inspection we spoke with five members of staff including GPs, the practice manager, the practice nurse and reception staff.
We found that people were protected from abuse through the provision of suitable training of staff, the presence of clear policies and the availability of information to staff and people who used the service.
The provider had implemented processes to ensure people were protected from the risk of infection. Patients were cared for in a clean, hygienic environment. All staff had undergone infection control training appropriate to their role. Records of the Hepatitis B status of individual staff were maintained. The provider was able to demonstrate they had suitable arrangements in place to reduce the risks of exposure to legionella bacteria which is found in some water systems.
The provider had ensured that appropriate systems were in place to manage medicines. Records demonstrated that internal auditing to check the correct storage of medicines was carried out effectively.
The provider had taken steps to improve their recruitment processes. A revised recruitment policy had been developed and appropriate checks were undertaken before staff began work. Personnel records had been updated to include evidence that all staff had undergone criminal record checks via the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS).
Since our last inspection, the provider had implemented some processes to identify, assess and manage risks. However, the provider remained unable to demonstrate that risk assessments had been completed for areas such as control of substances hazardous to health (COSHH), moving and handling and health and safety within the environment. There was no evidence of a fire risk assessment relating to the premises.