Windrush Medical Practice is a GP practice with approximately 14,000 registered patients situated in Witney in Oxfordshire. The practice provides a range of services for patients, which include clinics to manage long term conditions, minor surgery, family planning, child health, nurse led minor illness clinics and a dispensary.
Patients we spoke with gave us positive comments about the practice and the staff. We also spoke with four GPs, three practice nurses, the practice manager, dispensary staff, administrative staff and representatives of the patient participation group (PPG). Procedures are in place to protect vulnerable patients and to monitor cleanliness and reduce the risk of infection in the practice environment. The practice provides an effective service to patients, carrying out a range of audits and supporting the professional development of staff. We received positive feedback from patients about the caring nature of practice staff. The practice responds to the needs of patients. Particular care had been taken to anticipate the needs of patients when the practice was built. The five year business plan demonstrates the commitment of the practice management to provide high quality care and promote good outcomes for patients going forward.
During our inspection we looked at how well services are provided for specific groups of people and what good care looks like for them. The population groups we reviewed were:
- Older people
- People with long-term conditions
- Mothers, babies, children and young people
- The working-age population and those recently retired
- People in vulnerable circumstances who may have poor access to primary care
- People experiencing mental health problems
The practice provided for the needs of older patients through always allocating named GPs for patients over 75 years of age. Patients with long term conditions were provided for by a number of clinics aimed specifically at their needs. Mothers, babies and young children receive services including child development checks and immunisation. The needs of working age patients are recognised. A range of suitable appointments are available and telephone advice could be offered. The practice met the needs of patients in vulnerable circumstances by taking consideration of the needs of people in traveling communities. Counselling was provided at the practice for patients with poor mental health.
Please note that when referring to information throughout this report, for example any reference to the Quality and Outcomes Framework data, this relates to the most recent information available to the Care Quality Commission at that time.
For this inspection we visited Windrush Medical Practice, Windrush Health Centre, Welch Way, Witney Oxfordshire, OX28 6JS.