Abbey Medical Centre provides a range of primary medical services for just over 13,000 patients from a purpose built surgery in the centre of Kenilworth. There was building work being carried out during our inspection to extend the surgery and create space for an independent pharmacy.
The regulated activities we inspected were diagnostic and screening procedures, family planning, maternity and midwifery services, surgical procedures and treatment of disease, disorder or injury.
All the patients we spoke with were very complimentary about the service they received at the surgery. A representative of the patient participation group (PPG) described the ethos of the group as being the practice’s ‘critical friend’. The staff told us they felt valued, supported and motivated.
The partners at the practice adopted an informal approach to some leadership and governance issues. For instance, there were no regular team meetings and there was no formal process for staff to report significant adverse events. There was no evidence that this informal approach had caused the practice any problems because staff understood the working practices and cooperated well with each other. However, the practice may benefit from a more structured management approach.
We also looked at how services were provided for specific groups within the population. These were, vulnerable older people (over 75), people with long-term conditions, mothers, babies, children and young people, working age population and those recently retired (aged up to 74), people in vulnerable circumstances who may have poor access to primary care, and people experiencing a mental health problem. We found that the practice had adequate arrangements to look after the needs of the patients in these groups. The practice could consider having more proactive measures to identify and provide services for specific groups of patients.
The practice could consider ensuring more audit cycles are completed. The practice could also offer more flexible times for patients to attend clinics or appointments.