Updated 20 August 2018
Callington Health Centre provides primary medical services to people living in the practice was located in a rural area of Cornwall and was a dispensing practice. A dispensing practice is where GPs are able to prescribe and dispense medicines directly to patients who live in a rural setting which is a set distance from a pharmacy. Tamar Valley Health provides primary medical services for 16084 patients of which 10,040 attend the health centre at Callington:
Callington Health Centre
Haye Road
PL17 7AW
The practice has a branch surgery at Gunnislake Health Centre, The Orchard, Gunnislake, Cornwall PL18 9JZ. On 11 July 2018, we inspected Callington Health Centre only.
The practice population is in the sixth deprivation decile for deprivation. In a score of one to ten the lower the decile the more deprived an area is. The practice has much higher percentage of patients over 65 years (Practice 27.5%, Cornwall 23.8% and England 17.2%) and this is growing faster than the average England growth rate. Average life expectancy for the area is similar to national figures with males living to an average age of 79 years and females to 83 years.
There is a team of six GP partners, five GP associates and two pharmacist partners. There are seven female and three male GPs. The team are supported by a nurse prescriber, five practice nurses and five health care assistants who work across Callington and Gunnislake Health Centres. The practice employs two pharmacists who are able to prescribe and review medicines. There are also additional administrative and reception staff.
Patients who use the practice have access to community staff including district nurses, community psychiatric nurses, health visitors, physiotherapists, mental health staff, counsellors, chiropodist and midwives.
The practice is open between Monday and Friday from 8.30am until 6pm. Extended hours are provided one night each week (alternating Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs), 18.00 – 20.00, usually at both health centres. Every Saturday (except Bank Holiday weekends), 08.30 – 11.00 at either Callington Health Centre or Gunnislake Health Centre. Extended hours appointments are pre-bookable and preferably for patients that find it difficult to attend during normal working hours and cannot be made on the day. Outside of these hours a service is provided by another health care provider by patients dialling the national 111 service.
Routine appointments are available daily and are bookable up to six weeks in advance. Urgent appointments are made available on the day and telephone consultations also take place.
The practice runs the Tic Tac (advice and support) service at Callington College where young people are able to access sexual health screening, contraception advice, smoking cessation and support for mental health issues five days a week. Young people do not need to be registered with the practice and are seen in a confidential setting and able to have appointments with a GP, nurse, school nurse or counsellor.