We spoke with seven patients on the day of our inspection. We also spoke with the two GP partners, the practice manager, the chair of the Patient Participation Group (PPG), a registrar GP trainee, a practice nurse. We met with staff linked to the Health centre, including representatives from the district nursing service. In addition we met with one relative and one friend who were accompanying a patient on the day of inspection.Patients told us that they 'never had any problems getting an appointment; I can be seen the same day if it's an emergency'.
One patient said "This is wonderful, I only joined the practice yesterday and today I've been seen and treated - I would say I've been treated very well!" All the people we met were very happy with the service they received at the health centre.
The provider had suitable arrangements in place that respected the dignity and privacy of patients.
The provider made provision for safe and appropriate care, treatment and support.
There were arrangements in place for all staff to be able to recognise and report safeguarding concerns to the relevant person and authority.
Patients were protected because of the safety and suitability of the premises.
Patients were cared for and supported by, suitably qualified, skilled and experienced staff who had been recruited and checked using effective recruitment and selection procedures; and so staff were appropriately qualified and able to do their job.