Updated 24 January 2020
Nexus Health Group is a provider registered with CQC. The provider has eight sites with one site used at the CQC registered location. The sites were previously independent GP practices which merged to become Nexus Health Group in 2016.
The individual sites have retained the names from the historic partnerships. The provider is registered with CQC to deliver the Regulated Activities; diagnostic and screening procedures, maternity and midwifery services, family planning, surgical procedures and treatment of disease, disorder or injury. These are delivered from all eight sites. Nexus Health Group’s eight sites are situated within Southwark Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and provide services to approximately 76,445 patients under the terms of a personal medical services (PMS) contract.
The age profile of the practice population is broadly in line with the CCG averages. Information taken from Public Health England placed the area in which the practice is located in the third less deprived decile (from a possible range of between 1 and 10). In general, people living in more deprived areas tend to have greater need for health services. National General Practice Profile states that 21% of the practice population is from a black ethnic background with a further 15% of the population originating from Asian minority groups, 10% of patients are from mixed or other non-white ethnic groups.
The provider is a partnership comprised of 14 partners, two are non- clinical. At site level there are operations managers covering between one and two sites and each site has a team leader.
Regulated activities are delivered to the patient population from the following address:
Nexus Health Group head office address is located at Princess Street Group Practice - 2 Princess Street, SE1 6JP.
The eight sites are located at the following addresses:
Aylesbury Medical Centre - Thurlow Street, London SE17
Princess Street Practice - 2 Princess St, Elephant and Castle, London SE1 6JP
Manor Place Surgery - 1 Manor Place, London, SE17 3BD
Surrey Docks Health Centre –12-13 Blondin Way, London
SE16 6AE
The Dun Cow Surgery – 279 Old Kent Road, London, SE1 5LU
Commercial Way surgery – 109 Commercial Way, London SE15 6DB
Decima Street Surgery – 6 Decima Street, London, Greater London, SE1 4QX
Artesian Health Centre - 38 Grange Road, Bermondsey, London SE1 3GF
The staffing per locality or each site is:
Aylesbury Medical Centre, Dun Cow Surgery and Commercial Way Surgery: 65 GP sessions including partners: 7.22 Whole Team Equivalent (WTE), Advanced Nurse Practitioners 42 sessions: 1.12 WTE, Practice Nurses 200 sessions; 5.33 WTE and 625.75, Health Care Assistants 72.5 sessions: 1.93 and 1001.75: 11.42 WTE of non-clinical including operations management.
Decima Street Surgery and Artesian Health Centre: 72 GP sessions including partners: 8 WTE, Advanced Nurse Practitioners 31.5 sessions: 0.84 WTE, Practice Nurses 75 sessions; 2 WTE and 625.75: 16.68 WTE of non-clinical including operations management.
Manor street and another site that was not part of this inspection, 28 GP sessions including partners: 3.11 WTE, Practice Nurses 67.75 sessions; 1.78 WTE, Health Care Assistants 71 sessions :1.89 WTE and 758.50 :20.22 WTE of non-clinical including operations management
Princess Street Practice: 53 GP sessions including partners: 5.88 WTE, Advanced Nurse Practitioners 37.5 sessions: 1 WTE, Practice Nurses 144.5 sessions; 3.85 WTE, Health Care Assistants 42.5 sessions :1.13 WTE and 527.50 :14.06 WTE of non-clinical including operations management.
Surrey Docks Health Centre: 44 GP sessions including partners: 4.88 WTE, Advanced Nurse Practitioners 37.5 sessions: 1 WTE, Practice Nurses 67.5 sessions; 1.80 WTE and 625.75, Health Care Assistants 61.50 sessions: 1.64 and: 428.5: 11.42 WTE of non-clinical including operations management.
Nexus employs two WTE pharmacist and has recruited a further two WTE.
Data Team across Nexus: 173 sessions: 4.61 WTE
Corporate Team including SMT across Nexus 407 sessions: 10.85 WTE.