On the day of our inspection, we spoke with two patients registered with the service and the parent of another. Following the inspection, we telephoned five patients to ask their opinion on the surgery.All comments made were very complimentary. One patient told us that, "The surgery is excellent". Another told us "We are thrilled and delighted with them" and one other patient told us, "We are very happy with the surgery". The parent we spoke with expressed satisfaction with the service babies and children received.
We spoke with the chair of the patient participation group who told us about their fundraising activities to provide furnishings and equipment for the surgery. They also contributed to local charities such as a food bank.
Most patients told us that the telephones were answered quickly but two did say there could be a delay getting through in the mornings.
We spoke with staff that included; the practice manager, the business manager, two general practitioners (GP), a practice nurse, a healthcare assistant, two receptionists and the visiting health visitor and midwife.
We used a number of different methods to help us understand the experiences of patients who used the service. We spent time talking with people, observing interaction between staff and patients. We reviewed records and systems and looked at the environment. There were comfortable waiting areas and a good number of consulting rooms
When registered the provider declared compliance with all outcome areas.
We saw that patients were treated with respect and had treatment options discussed with them.
We saw that there were effective infection control measures in place to prevent the spread of infection.
We looked at the processes that the practice had in place to ensure the people who used the service were protected from abuse. These processes ensured staff had an understanding of adult and child abuse and what to do if it was suspected.
We looked at the system for managing complaints and saw that the surgery responded appropriately to them.