Patients we spoke with told us they were satisfied with the service they received. They considered their GP's listened to what they said and explained things clearly. 'They listen to what you tell them and will ask the right questions. I have no problems and wouldn't change my GP for anything. It's a case of I know them and they know me'.Patients considered their privacy and dignity was always respected. Gender issues were considered. 'I prefer a female GP for certain things. I always get to see one, or the practice nurse. I think that is important, although at the end of the day you want to stay healthy and you would see whoever was available. It's good they accommodate my choice'.
Staff had been trained in Equality and Diversity and the protection of children and vulnerable adults. The practice took a positive approach to ensure the needs of the most vulnerable patients were met.
All staff employed were subjected to character checks and qualified staff had their registration to practice verified.
Quality monitoring systems were in place. Written comments from patients included, 'Thanks to Dr Robinson and all the reception staff for the lovely way you treated my daughter and myself when we came into the surgery'. 'Thank you for all the efforts you went to on my behalf. The medication brought about my full recovery'.
Patients we spoke with told us that they would know how to make a complaint should they need to do so.